3 Keys to Building a Successful Online Fitness Coaching Business

July 8, 2020

The online fitness coaching space is extremely competitive. To become successful, you need to stand out from the crowd. 

You don’t need to reach thousands or millions of people to build up a successful business, it’s all about building an authentic and engaged following, which takes time and effort. 

Here are 3 important things you should focus on.

1. Attention

Getting attention is critical, without anyone knowing about you, you do not exist in the marketplace. With social media, everybody has the tools to build a brand and can reach hundreds of millions of potential customers. There are many ways to get attention, you can get it through ads, through content, through referrals, door to door presentations, and many other ways. 

Content marketing is one of the best ways to build up a rapport with your audience and gain their attention before trying to sell them anything. 

People will trade their attention for "value", so make sure your content is providing value for your followers. The best way to do this is to focus on your niche and become an expert on one specific topic.

2. Enrolment

To have a real business you need to have paying customers, once you have the attention of potential clients you need to spark conversations with them, which over time leads them to sign up as paying clients. 

Aim to provide win-win opportunities, filter out those who you can genuinely help, it is much better in the long run to build long-term relationships with your clients. You should avoid pushy sales techniques, but at the same time don’t be afraid to sell - be proud of what service you provide, as it's creating value for them (if it isn’t you don’t have a good product).

3. Delivery

There are lots of fitness coaches in the market, to stand out you must deliver results! When you make promises you must deliver, even better over-deliver. If you over-deliver, they will become even bigger fans, and this will help you to spread the word about your services because you have built up trust with your fans and clients.

The best fitness coaches understand that they exist to serve their clients, don't have the mindset whereby you think “what’s in it for me”, think about how you can serve clients. If you make this your mindset you will be more successful in building up long-term relationships with your clients and thus higher long-term profits.

The Bottom Line

Getting these three areas right creates a sustainable model that essentially sustains itself. Building up an engaged audience leads to enrollment (signing up clients), and then you need to deliver results or the whole model falls apart. 

When you are a successful fitness coach you will be helping your clients to change their life. Use their stories in your content marketing - genuine stories connect with other potential clients and provide proof that your fitness program works.

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